NYC. 15\09

September of Melancholia

& she is gone

This is the story of a young girl passing through her first heartbreak, she decides to take herself to the place where she met him, and everywhere she goes triggering memories filled with nostalgia start invading her. This film was meant to capture the beauty of the act of crying and experiencing grief when you lose someone.

September of melancholia

Starring: Zoe Canada
A film by Julia Martins.
Creative Direction: Zoe Canada & Julia Martins
Hair Stylist: Julia Kim
Music: Performance (Tones On Tail)
September 2018, Coney Island - NY


She is gone

Starring: Zoe Canada
A film by Paris Toribio & Julia Martins
Creative Direction: Paris & Zoe (left) Julia & Zoe (right)
Hair Stylist: Julia Kim (right)
Music: Composed by Julia Martins (right)